Lead with Emotional Agility for Your Business Success 

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COURSES (Coming Soon)

This is awesome! You are such a
great team and offer such great
information, Summer and Jen. 


Business Coach

What I like about this show is the unique combination of backgrounds and professional perspectives that Summer and Jen bring to the table that really bring value force-multiplier to the audience. Great show. 

Scott M.

Transformational Coach, Lawyer

Hey there...

we're summer & Jen


In the wild, wild world of coaching, where Zoom calls became the new stomping grounds, we emerged as the dynamic duo we never knew we needed. As fate would have it, our paths collided during the pandemic, and what started as a virtual introduction transformed into a powerhouse partnership. Together, we spun coaching gold into the digital realm, birthing the live show, "The Emotional Entrepreneur," a weekly rendezvous of wisdom, strategy, wit, and a sprinkle of mischief. As coaching maestros, we didn’t stop there; oh no, we cranked up the virtual heat by producing and hosting a digital event that was the talk of the online town. Behind the scenes, we concocted programs so game-changing that even the internet had to pause and applaud. We proved that a pandemic couldn't dim our radiance; if anything, it sparked a blaze of creativity and camaraderie that has propelled us to new heights, thriving and shining like twin stars in the coaching galaxy.

Meet Summer...

I'm Summer, your dynamic High-Performance Coach and Dr. of Psychology. I specialize in crafting unique spaces that foster connections, facilitate learning, and empower individuals to reshape their lives. Through shared wisdom and humor, I guide both individuals and organizations through the journey from creative ideation and emotional agility to successful monetization.

Meet Jen...

And I'm Jen, a Money Mindset Coach dedicated to empowering creatives and entrepreneurs. My focus is on helping people cultivate a healthy relationship with both their money and themselves, enabling them to thrive and create a life and/or business they truly love.

Together, we bring a wealth of expertise and wisdom to support solopreneurs and companies, helping them lead with emotional agility and scale their business success!

Coaching to Improve your emotional agility and Success as a Leader

This is for you if You Are Ready to...

Master emotional resilience
Cultivate strong relationships with your team, clients, and consumers
Overcome the fear of failure and perfectionism that can hinder your business growth
Harness the power of emotional regulation for strategic business growth 
Become an emotional agile leader and inspire your team to greater heights without letting the fear of vulnerability affect your authority

Do you ever feel this way?

"I struggle to find a work-life balance, which is causing burnout."
"I need support in managing my time and setting boundaries to maintain a healthy personal and professional life."
"I need help boosting my self-confidence so that I can make bold moves in my business."
"I struggle with believing in myself and my capabilities, which affects my ability to lead my team effectively."
"I constantly strive for perfection and beat myself up when things don't go as planned."
"I need guidance on how to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and let go of perfectionism."

It is very common to underestimate the power of emotions in business and emotional agility can greatly enhance decision-making, problem-solving, and leadership skills. By managing your emotions effectively, you will make more rational decisions, build stronger relationships with clients and employees, and create a positive work environment. 

Emotional agility is not about weakness or vulnerability; it's about strength and resilience. By acknowledging and
managing your emotions, you are showing self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth. This level of emotional
intelligence and agility will earn respect from your team, clients, and consumers, while also enhancing your leadership skills and overall business strategy and success.

Imagine having a calendar with a year’s worth of viral content ideas that will grow your audience and business

Are you tired of trying to figure out what to write about for your next post every single day? Stop the scroll and get premium content ideas for the entire 2024 year!

Catch us every week on our LIVE streaming show on Instagram

Join Summer and Jen every week on "The Emotional Entrepreneur," where we dive deep into empowering discussions tailored for women entrepreneurs who are steering mid-size businesses. Our episodes are designed to guide you on the path to mastering emotional regulation for unparalleled business success. From boosting confidence to conquering self-doubt related to building your enterprise, we explore transformative strategies that elevate your emotional agility. Uncover the secrets of how emotional intelligence positively impacts every facet of your business strategy. Tune in to discover a wealth of insights and tools that will empower you on your entrepreneurial journey. 

Click on button below to join us! 

Are you an emotionally Agile Leader?



Woodbridge, VA 

KORE Women © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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